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Stronger Together

Stronger Together Truly supporting those around us can make an incredible difference in their lives. For Suicide Prevention Month this September, share PSAs that empower young adults to reach out to a friend who may be struggling with their mental health. For the back to school season, air LGBT Acceptance spots that raise awareness about discrimination against LGBT people.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention
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What It Addresses: Seize the Awkward aims to encourage and empower young adults to reach out to a friend who may be struggling with their mental health.
Why It's Important: Suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst young adults.
When To Air It: September is National Suicide Prevention Month.

LGBT Acceptance

LGBT Acceptance
Download the PSAs

What It Addresses: In 30 states, it’s legal to fire, evict or deny service to LGBT people.
Why It's Important: In 2017, 55% of LGBT people reported being discriminated against due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, an increase from 44% in the previous year.
When To Air It: This campaign is important to share year-round.