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Youth Gun Violence Prevention

The Youth Gun Violence Prevention campaign, Agree to Agree, raises awareness of a pressing public health crisis impacting youth: gun violence. Gun injuries are the leading cause of death for children and teens ages 1-17 in the U.S. And while many people believe that gun violence is a highly divisive topic with no common ground or agreement, research shows that we agree on more than we think. From parents, gun owners, non-gun owners, gun violence survivors, health care professionals and more, we agree that gun violence shouldn’t be the leading cause of death for children and teens. The campaign encourages productive conversations about gun violence to help reduce the impact of gun injuries on children and teens, and is focused on reaching distinct audiences, including parents and those with children in their lives, and health care professionals.

All creative drives to — or the health care professional tailored experience at — where visitors can explore conversation guides and resources to learn more about the impact of gun injuries on children and teens, and support collaborative conversations about preventing gun violence.
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