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Safe Driving

Safe Driving Even if drivers are over 21 or in a state that has legalized marijuana use, driving impaired is always illegal. As Spring Break approaches, remind young drivers to stay safe on the road and keep the good times rolling by not driving impaired.

Buzzed Driving Prevention

Buzzed Driving Prevention

What It Addresses: PSAs remind audiences that if they notice a buzzed warning sign, they should call a cab, a car, or a friend when it’s time to go home.
Why It's Important: Recognizing buzzed warning signs can be the difference between a safe ride home and a one-way ticket to a bad night.
When To Air It: Air this during Spring Break season.

Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

What It Addresses: PSAs recognize that many are already making smart decisions to avoid unnecessary risks when high and remind audiences to not make an exception when it comes to driving.
Why It's Important: Although several states have legalized marijuana use, driving when impaired by any substance remains illegal in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
When To Air It: Air this during Spring Break season.